you can get the leaf stone, fire stone, and thunder stone at the big department store in celadon city. you get eevee in the back on the Pokemon mansion.
The Pokémon that evolve via the Thunderstone are Pikachu which evolves into Raichu and Eevee which evolves into Jolteon.
Poliwhirl → Poliwrath, Shellder → Cloyster, Staryu → Starmie and Eevee → Vaporeon
No, you cannot evolve Eevee with a leaf stone. It can evolve into the leaf type Pokemon, Leafeon, but it evolves by leveling it up in Eterna Forest in Pokemon Platinum
Eevee use stone to evolve
The Pokémon that evolve via the Thunderstone are Pikachu which evolves into Raichu and Eevee which evolves into Jolteon.
Eevee can only evolve into Vaporeon with the use of a Water Stone, Jolteon with the use of a Thunder Stone or Flareon with the use of a Fire Stone in Pokémon FireRed and LeafGreen, it cannot evolve into Espeon or Umbreon because there are no day or night functions in FireRed or LeafGreen.
Poliwhirl → Poliwrath, Shellder → Cloyster, Staryu → Starmie and Eevee → Vaporeon
Yes, you get an Eevee in Celadon City, and you can buy a Water Stone to evolve Eevee in the Celadon City Poke Mart.
You don't use a stone at all. Eevee evolves into Umbreon via happiness, followed by a level up AT NIGHT.
Eevee into Flareon, Growlithe (Firered) into Arcanine and Vulpix into Ninetails
In FireRed and LeafGreen, the pokemon that evolve via the firestone are as follows: Eevee (into Flareon) Growlith (into Arcanine) Vulpix (into Ninetails)
eevee and staryu
it can evolve eevee into a flareon.
well you can evolve eevee with a thunder stone,a water stone,a fire stone hope i helped