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Poliwhirl → Poliwrath, Shellder → Cloyster, Staryu → Starmie and Eevee → Vaporeon

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Q: What Pokemon evolve with a water stone in Pokemon FireRed?
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When does poliwhirl evolve in Pokemon FireRed?

When you give the poliwhirl a water stone

What level does poly whirl evolve in Pokemon FireRed?

You must use a water stone to evolve it

What level does poliwrath evolve in Pokemon FireRed?

Poliwrath does not evolve further. It does, on the other hand, evolve from Poliwhirl with the use of a Water Stone.

What does evee evolve into in Pokemon FireRed and LeafGreen?

evee can evole into three things in firered and leafgreen. it can evolve into flareon if you use the fire stone, jolteon if you use the thunder stone, or vaporeon if you use the water stone.

Where do you get cloyster in Pokemon LeafGreen?

u hau have to trade a shellder from firered and then evolve it w/ a water stone.

How do you catch Eevee to evolve in Pokemon FireRed?

Eevee can only evolve into Vaporeon with the use of a Water Stone, Jolteon with the use of a Thunder Stone or Flareon with the use of a Fire Stone in Pokémon FireRed and LeafGreen, it cannot evolve into Espeon or Umbreon because there are no day or night functions in FireRed or LeafGreen.

What Pokemon evolve with a water stone in Pokemon ruby?

Lombre can evolve into Ludicolo with a Water Stone (Lombre can also be traded to evolve).

What Pokemon evoles with a water stone in Pokemon firered?

poliwhirl evolves into poliwrath with a water stone

What Pokemon on Pokemon emerald evolve with a water stone?

The Pokemon that evolve using a water stone: Eevee Starmie Lombre Poliwhirl, too...

Can you get vaporeon in Pokemon FireRed?

Yes, you get an Eevee in Celadon City, and you can buy a Water Stone to evolve Eevee in the Celadon City Poke Mart.

Where is a trainer with a poliwrath in Pokemon FireRed?

I don't know. I think you should just raise a Poliwag to a Poliwhirl then evolve it with a Water Stone to a Poliwrath.

What Pokemon can evolve by a water stone in Sinnoh?

There is no Pokemon in sinnoh that evolves by a water stone.