after defeating Red on top of Mt. Silver. Then go to PEWTER CITY IN KANTO. from the Pokemon Center turn right. then up. and right again. he is on the hill next to the Pokemon Market.
Steelix is a good Steel type Pokemon. It is also a Ground type, too.
on your way to mount silver there is a house that you go in and they give steel wing.
On route 209
She has steel Pokemon, her Pokemon are 2 magnemites lv 30 and a steelix lv 35 hope it helped.
in the pokecave you have to find the rare pearl
in goldenrod city
go to pewter city, then there is a man you get the silver wing
there is no such thing, but there is a clear bell
If you're using heartgold, after beating the Pokemon league go to pewter city and an old man on a hill will give you the rainbow wing in soulsilver and the silver wing in heartgold.
Steelix is a good Steel type Pokemon. It is also a Ground type, too.
on your way to mount silver there is a house that you go in and they give steel wing.
Olivine City
you show him the rainbow wing
After you get the silver wing from the old man in pewter city
You first have to beat team rocket, then the Kimono girls
you get it from the dude in pewter city after you beat the elite 4.
Rainbow Wing and Clear Bell