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on shadows final rush thing you have to go to the top of every grivity...rod...thingy... and then you'll see a path you have never before go to it and there it is.

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Q: Where do you get Mystic Melody for Shadow?
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How do you get the mystic melody for sonic on sonic adventure battle 2?

You can only get mystic melody with shadow,not sonic You can only get mystic melody with shadow,not sonic you find it on the last level on hero mode i forgot where but you are on the gravity thing and you jump off on a lege and you have mystic melody.he is wrong because in city escape the lost chao can only be found using get mystic melody with every charter.TRUST ME yes every character can get mystic melody

How do you get the mystic melody for sonic on fonal rush?

There will be a rail going up so you will have to speed up to get it and if u follow that rail you will get the mystic melody

Where do you find sonic's mystic melody?

in final rush.

What is the mystic melody in sonic 2 battle?

It is used for the Find The lost Chao missions.

What upgrades does Shadow have in Sonic Adventure 2 Battle?

Shadow's upgrades are the Light Speed Shoes (lets you travel across a path of rings at high speeds), Mystic Melody (needed for the lost chao missions), Fire Ring (allows you to break steel crates) and the Ancient Light (lets you defeat many enemies at once after charging it).

How do you do myisitic melodies on sonic adventure 2 battle?

Find a mystic melody (usually in mission 3) and you can use it.

Where to find a dragon sonic adventure battle 2?

knuckles first level. You must have mystic melody but you get it in that level anyway.

How do you get the mystic melody for knuckles on sonic adventures 2 battle?

You can get Mystic Melody for Knuckles in Wild Canyon. In the level, go up the wind thingy. Once it takes you up there, glide to the left and climb up the wall and there should be a secret spot to dig in. Once you get into the small room, you should find the upgrade for Mystic Melody. Hope this helps! :]

Where is the lost chao in Security hall in Sonic Adventure 2?

Go to the highest room in security hall and find the mystic melody ruins and use mystic melody platforms will appear leading you to the lost chao if you can't reach it run in a circle press B and quickly glide toward it.

Old ruins in sonic adventure 2 battle do?

In certain stages of the games, each character can get an extra item called a Mystic Melody. They are the only way you can get through the extra stage of finding the lost chao. You play the mystic melody at the ruins and do what you gotta do. You just got told by a 14 year old kiddo.

Where is knuckles flute in sonic adventure 2 battle?

If you meant mystic melody i believe it's hidden in wild canyon or pumpkin hill.

Where is Sonic flute in Sonic adventure 2 battle?

If you meant mystic melody i believe it's hidden in wild canyon or pumpkin hill.