no the only way to get a mystic ticket is from a Pokemon event or a e-reader
Do not cheat just find a friend with the mystic ticket and a mystery gift and bam you get mystic ticket
You can get the Mystic and Aurora Ticket from a special Nintendo/Pokemon event such as the ones that happened in 2004, but they have expired and no longer can obtain them this way. You will need to use an Action Replay or GameShark to cheat for the Mystic Ticket.
you must have a gameshark
The Mystic Ticket.
You will need to obtain the Mystic Ticket by using a cheating device, because the Mystic Ticket is no longer available as an event.
No, you had to get it through the event. That is the one and only way to obain the Mystic Ticket. I hope this helped!
Spelling the word Mystic with Unown is not how you receive the Mystic Ticket. The Ticket is an event item given out in Pokemon events and is exclusive to Pokemon Emerald, FireRed and LeafGreen. The event is currently no longer being supported.
Do not cheat just find a friend with the mystic ticket and a mystery gift and bam you get mystic ticket
people say you can get the mystic ticket by spelling mystic with the unknowns but it is not true so if you want the mystic ticket you need either hack or go to a Nintendo event go to the pokemart then press the letterboard thing then type'LINK TOGETHER WITH ALL'then prss ok after that he will say after u save the game u will get the mystery gift then save and off your gba then turn it on again then u see the logo aledy lah then ur save file can....this...and that....and yadi yadi with other ruby or Sapphire(attach the cable then press mystery gift then u will get the ticket! Caution:if it doesn't work don't blame me i tried and i got it just don't blame ok....
i dono do you
The Mystic Ticket is no longer available through an event and it is unobtainable during normal or post-end gameplay. You will need to use GameShark or other cheating devices to get the Mystic Ticket currently.
I think you have to get the unkonwns: M Y S T I C to spell mystic. Then you go to Prof Oak and i think he will give you the Mystic Ticket.
You can get the Mystic and Aurora Ticket from a special Nintendo/Pokemon event such as the ones that happened in 2004, but they have expired and no longer can obtain them this way. You will need to use an Action Replay or GameShark to cheat for the Mystic Ticket.
u dont
Zero. At this point, the Mystic Ticket can only be obtained through the use of a cheating device.
beat steven 100 times and go to the battle frontiers a guy will give you a mystic ticket
you must have a gameshark