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After defeating the rivals at the weather institute, go towards fortree and then u'll have a battle with may after which she'll give it to u

Actually, u can only use it after defeat GYM leader in Fortree City. She uses Flying Pokemon. So, you should have Electric and Rock Pokemon.

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Q: Where do you get HM fly on Pokemon sapphire?
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There is no pokemon that naturally learns fly but if you have the hm you can teach it at any level providing it is able to learn fly

Where can you find the hm move fly in pokemon sapphire?

Your rival gives it to you after you defeat them just before you enter Fortree City.

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there is no such thing is a HM called remover

How do you get HM waterfall in Pokemon Sapphire?

You get the HM waterfall in the same cave you get Kyogre

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fly is an HM and no Pokemon can forget an HM.

What is Hm9 on Pokemon Sapphire?

HM 9 is Waterfall.

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Where is HM Fly Anyone??!!?!?!?!??!? (HM Means Hidden Machine) LOL

Where is the hm cut on Pokemon sapphire?

the hm cut is in one of the houses in rustoboro city

Where is the HM dive in Pokemon platium?

it isn't in Pokemon platinum its in ruby and Sapphire

Where can you got the hm fly in Pokemon gold version?

Answer the hm fly is in the town below the lighthouse. Answer the hm fly is in the town below the lighthouse.

Pokemon sapphire hm 08?

Hm 08=Dive. You can get it in Mosdeep City in Steven House.

What is hm 7 in Pokemon?

the hm 7 is water fall you get it in sootopolis city in sapphire game