There is no pokemon that naturally learns fly but if you have the hm you can teach it at any level providing it is able to learn fly
just find a bagon and level it up to 50 then it will evolve into salamence and it will learn the move fly
Well Salamance learns dragon breath, fly, then dragon claw. I don't really think it learns outrage. well in emerald my salamence is level 59 and still didn't learn dragon claw weird huh well i hope salamence will learn dragon claw at level 60 and up in emerald or any other version
You will need to use TM02- Fly to teach it. The only Pokemon that can learn Fly naturally are Salamence and Rayquaza.
From:Gia(Indonesia)( Many Pokemon can fly in Sapphire,example: Taillow,Swellow,Swablu,Altaria,Tropius,Doduo,Dodrio,Wingull,Pelipper,Salamence,Natu,Xatu, Rayquaza,etc.
Swelleow can. Pelliper can. Swablu can. Altaria can.
just find a bagon and level it up to 50 then it will evolve into salamence and it will learn the move fly
sometimes level fifty three if not level sixty one. also salamence learns fly when you level him up to level fifty so basically salamence learns fly when you evolve a shelgon level 50
Well Salamance learns dragon breath, fly, then dragon claw. I don't really think it learns outrage. well in emerald my salamence is level 59 and still didn't learn dragon claw weird huh well i hope salamence will learn dragon claw at level 60 and up in emerald or any other version
You will need to use TM02- Fly to teach it. The only Pokemon that can learn Fly naturally are Salamence and Rayquaza.
Salamence is a Pokemon introduced in the third generation of Pokemon games. In the current generation, its moveset after it evolves from Shelgon at level 50 includes Fly, Crunch, Dragon Claw, Double-Edge, and Dragon Tail.
From:Gia(Indonesia)( Many Pokemon can fly in Sapphire,example: Taillow,Swellow,Swablu,Altaria,Tropius,Doduo,Dodrio,Wingull,Pelipper,Salamence,Natu,Xatu, Rayquaza,etc.
Shelgon learns Fly when it evolves into Salamence at Lv50. says that Salamence should learn Fly at level 50 in all Generation III and IV games, but if yours hasn't try leveling it to 51 or 2, and then take it to the move maniac in Fallarbor town. If you have a heart scale, he will offer to teach your Pokemon any move it can learn up to its level.
you don't. the only way is to evolve shelgon at level 50 and it should learn fly on its own without a hm.That is one of the few you can't get in heart gold or soul silver.
Swelleow can. Pelliper can. Swablu can. Altaria can.
No, I don't think so.
Here is the list of Pokemon who can learn Fly: Salamence Rayquaza Crobat Zatu Skarmory Taillow Swellow Wingull Pelliper Vibrava Flygon Swablu Altaria I made Swellow and Flygon Learn IT.