you go to icirrus city then go towards the pokemon center go inside you will see a old lady with a purple shirt on the oppisite site of the poke mart go talk to her she will give you the tm brick break.
In victory road near whr terakkion is
Same place as white forest in Pokemon black... nowhere. Pokemon black has black city, Pokemon white has white forest.
Nowhere. you can find the Black city in pokemon black and White forest in pokemon white. YOu can't got to the white forest in pokemon black
Pokemon black by far. but if you have a choice between Pokemon black or Pokemon white get white. you can get more Pokemon in white than black , plus there is white forest and you can get rare Pokemon there i think
Yes. You find zekrom in Pokemon white and the white Pokemon in Pokemon black.
In victory road near whr terakkion is
Same place as white forest in Pokemon black... nowhere. Pokemon black has black city, Pokemon white has white forest.
Nowhere. you can find the Black city in pokemon black and White forest in pokemon white. YOu can't got to the white forest in pokemon black
The yellow brick road? -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- You can find Bagon in White Forest, But only if Grace is a resident of the Forest. (BTW, You can get Grace by Entralink to connect with Pokemon Black and visit Black City to find this resident if she is Available or Not available.
Pokemon black by far. but if you have a choice between Pokemon black or Pokemon white get white. you can get more Pokemon in white than black , plus there is white forest and you can get rare Pokemon there i think
Yes. You find zekrom in Pokemon white and the white Pokemon in Pokemon black.
Pokemon Black has Black city. Pokemon White has White forest
Yes, the Pokemon Dewott is in Pokemon Black and White.
Zekrom (Pokemon White) and Reshiram (Pokemon Black).
Pokemon white reshiram is on black
no. you can get the white one in black and the black one in white.
There are no pokemon after pokemon blACK and white but there will be more pokemon games in the future.