in lostlorn forest. you bring one of the shiny dog legandaries to the camper and the person is zorark.
Zoroak isn't in soulsilver or heartgold. If you look at, its only in the yet to come out Pokemon Black and White.
Yes. You find zekrom in Pokemon white and the white Pokemon in Pokemon black.
You can't find gible in pokemon white. You must trade it.
it isnt in pokemon white sry
You can find a Weedle in White Forest.
Zoroak isn't in soulsilver or heartgold. If you look at, its only in the yet to come out Pokemon Black and White.
Zoroak is a VI gen. pokemon. game freak was nowhere near done black and white in 2004. Wait till 2011 to get black and white in north america!
yes by trading or you can breed a zoroak
You can only get Zoroark through an event, I recommend or to get the dates
The Pokemon who evolves into Zoroark is Zorua
yes it is a fifth gen Pokemon that evolves from zorua
YES Zoroark can be breeded
Yes. You find zekrom in Pokemon white and the white Pokemon in Pokemon black.
there is no "strongest pokemon" it depends on the sp attack and attack stats. if you use, like, 1,000 attack increasing items on it then, yes in your game zoroark is indeed, the strongest pokemon.
Well ya go into lostlorn forest an find the camper then ya go into it an ya battle it an oh ya thar's a catch,ya have to have 1 of the 3 shiny legendary's in yer party at the top. (this event is now over)
No it is not unless you are talking about zorua but if you mean zoroak than you need to trade a shiny legendary dog to black or white to get zoroark.
You cannot find Vullaby in Pokemon White Version. It is exclusive to Pokemon Black as Rufflet is to Pokemon White.