I think you are able to buy the TM for this at celdon city games corner for around £4,000 ?
It can learn Thunderbolt through TM.
- Thundershock - Tailwhip - Quick Attack - Thunderbolt
You could get it at Celadon City in the game corner for 4,000 coins.
You cant find it in Firered only leafgreen.
Celebi cannot be found in Pokemon FireRed. The only way to get Celebi in Pokemon FireRed is receiving it from an event distribution. These events are sadly no longer supported for Pokemon FireRed.
It can learn Thunderbolt through TM.
thunder thunderbolt iron tale spark
I do not know.But you can ask Andy Ngo.You can get Thunderbolt in the Celadon City Game Corner. Thunderbolt is TM24 and costs 4,000 Coins.
- Thundershock - Tailwhip - Quick Attack - Thunderbolt
You should be able to buy the TM from around 4,000 at the games corner in Celdon city
You could get it at Celadon City in the game corner for 4,000 coins.
You receive TM24 (Thunderbolt) from Lt. Surge after defeating him.
You cant find it in Firered only leafgreen.
Staryu is a water type Pokemon. In Pokemon FireRed, it is possible to find lots of Staryus in the Seafoam Islands.
You cannot find Piloswine in the wild on Pokemon FireRed. You can find it's pre-evolved form Swinub in Icefall Cave on Floe Island in the Sevii Islands of Pokemon FireRed.
Celebi cannot be found in Pokemon FireRed. The only way to get Celebi in Pokemon FireRed is receiving it from an event distribution. These events are sadly no longer supported for Pokemon FireRed.
It's not possible to find Sudowoodo in Pokemon FireRed. You will need to trade for one from a Pokemon Emerald game-save.