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you first go to steven to get dive and dive dvie

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Q: Where do you find the submarine in sapphire?
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it is in team aqua's base (the one where they had the submarine)

Where can you find the submarine Pokemon Sapphire?

Go back to Slateport town. Inside the ferry building, you will find captain stern and the submarine being robbed by Team Aqua.

Where is the submarine in sapphire?

in your moms belly

On Pokemon sapphire where is the submarine?

The submarine belongs to that scientist guy, you're not allowed on, you have to learn dive then find the place they are exploring, but there is a scale model of the sub in the museum.

What do you do after you have found the submarine sapphire Pokemon?

Catch the submarine Pokémon and beat the crap out of the Elite Four.

Where is the submarine cave in sapphire version?

go get a life

Where do you find team aqua after they steal the submarine in Pokemon Sapphire version?

you will find team aqua in the under water cavern near the dive point in sootopolis

Where do you go to get to the submarine on sapphire?

Seafloor cavern in route 128

Where is the submarine that team aqua jacks after they take the red orb on mt.pyre in Pokemon sapphire.?

there a dive area and once you dive there, there youll find the submarine but you really need to look. the entrabce is like entering a cave underwater

What do you after team aqua takes the submarine in sapphire?

you have to dive underwater by sootopolis city and you have to go in the little cave underwater where youll find the sud and then you surface there.

Where is the stolen submarine in Pokemon Sapphire?

It is almost exactly in between Sootopolis City and Ever Grande City on your map. Go there and dive underwater. Search around underwater and eventually you should find an underwater cave containing the submarine. When you find the submarine, head to the surface.

Where does Archie go after he steals the submarine in pokemon sapphire?

he goes to his underwater hideout cave.