You find the EXPN card in Kanto, Lavender Town at the Radio Tower.
I didn't find it there and I need it BADLY!!!Well this is me again I have the Expansion Card, but it won't show the Kanto Radio Station Songs..PLEASE HELP!!!
O.K I needed to change it to the Pokemon League Dis-sign on your Poke Gear!!
In Lavender Town, Pokemon Tower If you got the radio card from Goldenrod then I beleive somebody on the ground floor will give you the expansion
listen to buenas password on the radio and tell her the it then you get a point
All It Does Is Add One star To Your Trainer Card
fix the problems in the kanto region get the power plant working and then go to lavender town radio station.
In Lavender Town, Pokemon Tower If you got the radio card from Goldenrod then I beleive somebody on the ground floor will give you the expansion
listen to buenas password on the radio and tell her the it then you get a point
All It Does Is Add One star To Your Trainer Card
u don't. get the kanto radio card and go to the top part of the speaker. hopes this helps!
you need the radio card from golden rod city in the radio tower. talk to the 2nd lady behind the counter and answer her qustions right.
i would have to say that would be Lugia Legend from the new heart gold and soul silver expansion. It can do 200 damage with its Elemental Blast attack (enough to knock out any Pokemon in the History of Pokemon TCG) and has 130 HP.
No, only firered, leafgreen, silver, emerald, ruby and saphire. and possibly blue, red and yellow
fix the problems in the kanto region get the power plant working and then go to lavender town radio station.
Fan Rotom in Pokemon is considered to be a basic Pokemon that uses lightening. It is part of the Rivals Rising card expansion.
Heating a gold plated Pokemon card could potentially damage the card itself. It's best to consult with a professional jeweler or appraiser who has experience with removing gold plating from delicate items like trading cards.
i think a remake of Pokemon gold and silver
you win