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In Lavender Town, Pokemon Tower If you got the radio card from Goldenrod then I beleive somebody on the ground floor will give you the expansion

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Q: Where do you find the Kanto radio card in pokemon gold?
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Where do you find the expansion card in Pokemon Heart Gold?

You find the EXPN card in Kanto, Lavender Town at the Radio Tower. I didn't find it there and I need it BADLY!!!Well this is me again I have the Expansion Card, but it won't show the Kanto Radio Station Songs..PLEASE HELP!!! O.K I needed to change it to the Pokemon League Dis-sign on your Poke Gear!!

How do you get the Kanto radio card in Pokemon soulsilver?

Once your in Kanto go to Lavender town.Find the radio tower and talk to the old man in brown.He will install the Kanto radio.You can now wake up Snorlax.Pokeflute channel is at the top;you must find it manually.

Where do you find the kanto radio card in violet city in Pokemon soul silver?

in Lavender town, the big tower, turn the power plant on and talk to the guy in charge!

Where do you find the pokeflute on Pokemon HeartGold?

You dont, you go to the radio tower in kanto and get the pokeflute sound on ur radio

Who gives you the Kanto radio card in Pokemon heart gold?

You need to have: Restored the Power to the Magnet Train/Radio Station before you can gain the Radio Card. (You need to find the Rocket in Cerulean Gym, find the part, chase the Rocket down and take the part to the Powerstation (East of Cerulean/North of Lavender). The owner of the Radio Station in Lavender (it's where the Pokemon Tower formerly was) will give you the upgrade.

Where do you find the Clear Bell in Pokemon SoulSilver?

you don't when u go to kanto after beating the eliete 4 u go to pewter city and out- side an old man will give it to u. to get to pewter city u go through the diglet cave by getting kanto radio card in lavender town at the top of the radio card there is the poke'flute chanel and talk to snorelax

Where can you find pokeflute on Pokemon Yellow?

there is no poke flut yes there is, if you got the expn card for your radio you can tune into kanto radio and one of the channels is the poke flute channel.

How do you get the pokeflute in HeartGold?

The PokeFlute is not a separate item as it was in Pokemon Gold, Silver, and Crystal. First, go to Lavender Town to the Kanto Radio Tower. Talk to everyone until you find someone who gives you an EXPN Card. This card allows you to change the radio to the top tiny star with your stylus to tune to the PokeFlute channel.

How do you find the Hoenn sound in Pokemon soul silver?

Tune in your radio card in Wednesdays to find hoenn Pokemon in the grass.

What is the passwords for Pokemon Crystal blue card?

You need to use the Pokemon gear radio and find the password show.There you will find out the password.

Where is the radio tower located in Pokemon soulsilver?

the radio tower is in goldenrod city in johto and in lavender town in kanto to find it just look around for a building- next to it a sign will say "radio tower"

Where can you find sorlax on Pokemon Crystal?

snorlax is in vermilion city in kanto in front of digletts cave. U have to wake him up by getting the machine part for the generator at the powerplant, then speak to an old man in lavender town radio tower for the radio card. Go to snorlax in vermilion and play the poke flute on your radio card while standing in front of snorlax, then he will wake up