There is no TM Bounce. In Platinum there is a move tutor that will teach it for shards, but no way to get in pearl. I know i was mad when i found out....
You can't. Moonlight isn't a TM.
no thunder fang is not a TM in Pokemon pearl no thunder fang is not a TM in Pokemon pearl
You can find TM Dig at the Ruin Maniac Cave.
Bounce is not a TM/HM, Bounce is a move that is naturally learned by certain pokemon. (Ponyta, Rapidash, Lumineon, Finneon, Hoppip, Skiploom, Jumpluff, etc)
I think that TM energy ball doesn't exist in heartgold. You can find it in Pokemon diamond and pearl on ds.
There isn't a tm for the move flail in Pearl.
you can not find it in pearl
Well, if you are looking for the Tm Mean Look in Pokemon pearl you CAN'T get it. Sorry
You can't. Moonlight isn't a TM.
no thunder fang is not a TM in Pokemon pearl no thunder fang is not a TM in Pokemon pearl
there is no such thing
There is no TM mean look on Pokemon pearl.
You can find TM Dig at the Ruin Maniac Cave.
Bounce is not a TM/HM, Bounce is a move that is naturally learned by certain pokemon. (Ponyta, Rapidash, Lumineon, Finneon, Hoppip, Skiploom, Jumpluff, etc)
I think that TM energy ball doesn't exist in heartgold. You can find it in Pokemon diamond and pearl on ds.
You cannot get the TM Fissure in Pokemon Pearl. Fissure hasn't been a TM move since Pokemon Red and Blue.
Mean look is not a TM. It can only be learned by breeding or leveling.