He's in Selaro Town, just south of Polaris Town and of the Thin Forest.
you can find the move tutor on route 221
Actually to teach this move to Gengar you need to find the move tutor that will teach the move to any of your Pokemon this move tutor is in Viridian city you need the HM Cut to get to him though. Also a move tutor in Pokemon xd gale of darkness will teach Dream Eater to your Pokemon.
You trade them with the move tutor for a move for any Pokemon that you replaced by mistakely. You find the move tutor in Fallarbour town. His house is next to the Pokemon Contest Centre! By RL9
In the house to the immediate west of the Pokemart in Blackthorne City. There you will find the move deleter, the move tutor, the "ultimate move" tutor(who teaches any starter Pokemon with full friendship their ultimate move) and an old lady that will teach your Pokemon Draco Meteor, if they can learn it.
There is no tutor in d/p you must trade the Pokemon to platinum teach it from the shard move tutor in the survival area and then trade it back
you can find the move tutor on route 221
driftveil city
Actually to teach this move to Gengar you need to find the move tutor that will teach the move to any of your Pokemon this move tutor is in Viridian city you need the HM Cut to get to him though. Also a move tutor in Pokemon xd gale of darkness will teach Dream Eater to your Pokemon.
You trade them with the move tutor for a move for any Pokemon that you replaced by mistakely. You find the move tutor in Fallarbour town. His house is next to the Pokemon Contest Centre! By RL9
You have to go to the Pokemon move house in Blackthorn City and go to the ultimate move tutor
fire punch isn't a TM in platinum. There is a move tutor who will teach it to your Pokemon. it is the tutor on the route west of pastoria city
In the house to the immediate west of the Pokemart in Blackthorne City. There you will find the move deleter, the move tutor, the "ultimate move" tutor(who teaches any starter Pokemon with full friendship their ultimate move) and an old lady that will teach your Pokemon Draco Meteor, if they can learn it.
he is in the city with the dragons den
There is no tutor in d/p you must trade the Pokemon to platinum teach it from the shard move tutor in the survival area and then trade it back
the move tutor is in Fallabor city to the west. but first before he'll teach your Pokemon a move you need to give him a heart scale
32 bp from the move tutor of the battle frontier
There is one on Route 212, snowpoint city & the survival area