i don't think it's in it but if it is Seribii.com is a good place to find out where
Unfortunately there are no wild Snorlax in Pokemon Ruby, Sapphire, or Emerald. The Snorlax must be traded from Firered or Leafgreen, or gained using a gameshark.
You can only get Snorlax by evolving Munchlax.
Snorlax is number 113 and is in your rivals party at the Pokemon League when you battle. The Pokemon after Snorlax is 114 and is called Unown and can be found in the Solaceon Ruins.
Snorlax is found blocking diglett's cave in vermilion city.
Lucario isn't in Sapphire,Sapphire is a Hoenn pokemon,Lucario is a sinnoh pokemon.
Unfortunately there are no wild Snorlax in Pokemon Ruby, Sapphire, or Emerald. The Snorlax must be traded from Firered or Leafgreen, or gained using a gameshark.
You can only get Snorlax by evolving Munchlax.
You cannot get a Munchlax in Pokemon Sapphire Version. In D/P/P you can give Snorlax a Full Incense and breed it with a Ditto to get a Munchlax.
There is no Pokemon mansion in sapphire.
He is not in Pokemon: Sapphire. You will not be able to find him. He is in Pokemon: Diamond, Pokemon: Pearl, and Pokemon: Platinum. You will definitely have trouble finding him in Pokemon: Sapphire.
Snorlax is number 113 and is in your rivals party at the Pokemon League when you battle. The Pokemon after Snorlax is 114 and is called Unown and can be found in the Solaceon Ruins.
you can't find it in Pokemon sapphire, but you can find it in Pokemon ruby. Hope this helped. :-)
Snorlax is found blocking diglett's cave in vermilion city.
Lucario isn't in Sapphire,Sapphire is a Hoenn pokemon,Lucario is a sinnoh pokemon.
no you cant. you catch spheal in Pokemon sapphire and snorunt in Pokemon ruby.
I'm sorry but you can't find a diglett in Pokemon sapphire, you can only get it by trading
You're thinking of generation 4, Pokemon Ruby/Sapphire/Emerald is generation 3. In generation 4 they added a de-evoultion of pokemon like Snorlax.