Mossdeep Island; surf east along route 124 from Lilycove. To do this you'll have to have cleared out the Team Aqua base, as there is an aqua grunt trying to move a pack (flock?) of Wailord in your way.
You will find the key to the Gym of Cinnabar Island, From the Pokemon Mansion that is on the same island.
journey again to achieve the another battle called the 8th gym Pokemon ruby
Wattson the electric gym.
In the 8th gym. he is the gym leader
The Fourth Gym is in Lavaridge City.
In Pokemon Sapphire, Ruby and Emerald the 7th Gym that's located in Mossdeep City has Psychic type Pokemon.
Tate and Liza have: Solrock and Lunatone
You can find it once you enter Gengar's heart. To find it go to Drakfol Cave and go deep inside. There you will find the 7th gym. I would take some rock Pokemon for the leader.
YES You CAN It Count what Pokemon it is!!!!!!!!! And I Bet the 8th gym with a 36
you can find the electrica gym in mauville city
Pokemon ruby where is the 6 gym
He is the sootopolis city gym leader.
Find cut
petalburg gym
its the petalburg gym and/or gym 5.
You will find the key to the Gym of Cinnabar Island, From the Pokemon Mansion that is on the same island.
nothing stupid, just find groudon after you beat the 7th gym leader and go to the place where you beat the 8th gym leader .then you will find Steven and he will lead you to a cave and keep on walking until you find groudon.