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Wattson the electric gym.

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Q: Which gym in Pokemon ruby is the third?
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What city do you get the third gym badge on Pokemon ruby?

it is Mauville gym

Where is the third gym in Pokemon Ruby?

on mauville city

What town is the thid gym in on Pokemon Ruby?

The town in which the third gym is in on Pokemon ruby is in Mauville City (or town, I don't know which one)

Where is the third gym leader in Pokemon ruby?

in his gum of cors!

How do you get to the Gym Leader on the 3rd Gym in Pokemon Ruby on you tube?

You have to skip the thied and go to the 4th then go to the third.

What do you do in Pokemon ruby after the third gym?

you must go in lavaridge town there is nex gum.

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Where is the sixth gym on Pokemon Game Boy ruby?

The sixth gym in Pokemon Ruby/Sapphire is located in Fortree City. By the Pokemon Center there is a ladder leading to a raised platform and a series of bridges. At the third platform is another ladder. Proceed down it to get to the gym.

Where you go after defeat third gym in Pokemon ruby destiny life of guardian?

lol your a noob

Where is the electric gym in Pokemon Ruby?

In Pokemon ruby, the first electric gym is wattson's gym, it is the third badge you obtain in the game. A good strategy to beat him is to bring along a ground type, or a fire type since he uses a Pokemon called magneton, which is Electric/Steel.

Where is the third badge in ruby version?

If you mean the third gym, then it is located in Mauville City. In which the gym leader is an electric type which can easily be defeated by a ground type pokemon.

In Pokemon ruby gym no 5?

petalburg gym