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Go around in the grass between Oldale Town near Petalburg City. Surskit is really rare you need to go around there for hours or find it in the grasses near Mauville and near the day care shop. You can also catch it on route 114 if your lucky.

well i no it seems point less but after you have beaten the elite four and got some rare Pokemon and got Stevens present watch the tv every now and then it will say Pokemon news hear there has been a massive out break of suskit on route 117 102 118 and some others

good luck.

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Q: Where do you find surskit in Pokemon Sapphire?
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Where do you find the highest leveled Surskit in Pokemon Sapphire?

You aren't able to catch a surskit in Sapphire. You have to trade it from Emerald or elsewhere.

What level does Surskit evolve in Pokemon Sapphire?

Surskit evolves at level 22

How can you find surskit in Pokemon emerald?

It isn't possible to obtain a wild one in Emerald. You have to trade with someone (or youself) with a Ruby or Sapphire

What is the rarest Pokemon in Pokemon sapphire?

In my opinion the Latis are the rarest and hardest to find and capture in sapphire version. In Emerald I would say it is Deoxys because you need to go on the spaceship when the guy says 100 flights.

What Pokemon know sweet scent Pokemon sapphire?

Surskit, Masquerain, Mawile, Tropius, Illumise, and Roselia all learn Sweet Scent.

What type of Pokemon is Surskit?

Surskit is a Water and Bug type pokemon.

Is surskit a water Pokemon?

Surskit is a water type and bug type pokemon.

Where to catch surskit in sapphire version?

Surskit are rare and hard to find Pokemon but they can be found on Routes 117 and 120. If you don't want to crawl around in grassy areas for ages, you could wait until there's an outbreak of them (Sometimes Pokemon news brings this very good news! So check TV's every day!)

Where to find Surskit on Pokemon Black?

you have to send it from emerald to platnuim to black

How do you get masquerain is sapphire?

Train Surskit to level 25.

Where can you find Pokemon's mansion in Pokemon sapphire?

There is no Pokemon mansion in sapphire.

How catch surskit in emerald?

You'll need to trade for it, because it isn't in the Pokemon Emerald. To catch it, you must mix records with Ruby or Sapphire.