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in route 36 theres a tree get the squirtbottle after defeating Whitney in the flower shop next to the gym pour it on the odd tree and there you go theres the lv 20 sudowoodo

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Q: Where do you find sudowoodo in Pokemon gold?
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Where is the sudowoodo on Pokemon silver?

The same place you find him in gold, north of Goldenrod City. You have to beat Whitney and then get the Squirtbottle from the house behind the gym. Use it on Sudowoodo and he will attack you.

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Where do you go after caching the sudowoodo in Pokemon gold?

One word:ANYWHERE.

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You can find Sudowoodo on Routes 214 and 221.

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Where can you find sudowoodo in pokemon firered?

You can`t find him in firered unless you decide to get the two rare stones for celeo. Then, you can go to the upper floors of pokecenter and then you go to trades and you trade with POKEMON EMERALD VERSION. This is the only way to get Sudowoodo in firered. No need to thank me [:-)You need to trade one from Silver or Gold, there is no native Sudowoodo in FR/LG.

Where do you find vulpix in Pokemon gold silver and crystal?

On Silver you can find it in bushes near the Sudowoodo spot. On Gold it's nowhere (Growlithe takes its place). Not sure about Crystal, sorry.

How do you find rock smash in pokemon gold?

You can get it from a person on the right of the Sudowoodo or you can just buy it from Goldenrod City. It's TM is called TM08.

Where to find a Sudowoodo in Pokemon?

matters which game, but sudowoodo in the 2nd gen games is blocking the way to ekruitick city.

Where in goldenrod city is the Pokemon sudowoodo in Pokemon shiny gold?

it is where if you leave to go to the next town it is blocking the road or out of the park to the east

What will you get if you breed a Ditto and sudowoodo on Pokemon emerald?


Can you catch sudowoodo in Pokemon LeafGreen?

No you will need Emerald or Pokemon Colosseum to trade you a Sudowoodo.