The same place you find him in gold, north of Goldenrod City. You have to beat Whitney and then get the Squirtbottle from the house behind the gym. Use it on Sudowoodo and he will attack you.
if you know the sudowoodo blocking the way u have to battle it and catch it
you don't
Sudowoodo is not the only Pokemon that can learn Rock Smash. There are many Pokemon that can learn it. Most fighting type Pokemon can learn the TM. So no, you do not need Sudowoodo.
in silver you get of a bloke arfter beating or catching sudowoodo his the first man u see if u walk right from where u got sudowoodo in silver you get of a bloke arfter beating or catching sudowoodo his the first man u see if u walk right from where u got sudowoodo
you get the squirtbottle at the flower shop and water the tree(which is Sudowoodo)
a rock Pokemon disguised as a tree
The Pokemon bocking your way is a Sudowoodo. To battle the Sudowoodo, you must use the Squirt Bottle on it.
if you know the sudowoodo blocking the way u have to battle it and catch it
you don't
Sudowoodo is not the only Pokemon that can learn Rock Smash. There are many Pokemon that can learn it. Most fighting type Pokemon can learn the TM. So no, you do not need Sudowoodo.
After getting rid of sudowoodo a fat guy to the right of sudowoodo gives you rock smash.
you have to get the sprinkle water and sprinkle it on the tree
in silver you get of a bloke arfter beating or catching sudowoodo his the first man u see if u walk right from where u got sudowoodo in silver you get of a bloke arfter beating or catching sudowoodo his the first man u see if u walk right from where u got sudowoodo
Go to the ruins of alph near the sudowoodo. If you get inside the right building you can.
you get the squirtbottle at the flower shop and water the tree(which is Sudowoodo)
Just on the right of the sudowoodo the fat guy will give it to u
Use the Squirtbottle on it, and It will attack you. This is the only chance to catch a Sudowoodo.