Sudowoodo is not the only Pokemon that can learn Rock Smash. There are many Pokemon that can learn it. Most fighting type Pokemon can learn the TM. So no, you do not need Sudowoodo.
in silver you get of a bloke arfter beating or catching sudowoodo his the first man u see if u walk right from where u got sudowoodo in silver you get of a bloke arfter beating or catching sudowoodo his the first man u see if u walk right from where u got sudowoodo
First, you battled Sudowoodo and then go right and talk to the fat man and he will give you rock smash
After you battle Sudowoodo, the man near the ruins of alpha entrance will thank you and give you rock smash.
You must learn rock smash. You get that from a man standing in the right of you you when you have beaten sudowoodo
You need a Pokemon with the move Rock Smash.
After getting rid of sudowoodo a fat guy to the right of sudowoodo gives you rock smash.
after you have defeated the goldenrod gym leader and battled sudowoodo, talk to a chubby guy to the right of where you found Sudowoodo and he gives you rock smash.
Go to where the sudowoodo was and turn right and there will be three people one gives you rock smash
Go to where the sudowoodo was and turn right and there will be three people one gives you rock smash
you can find rock smash by talking to a man just to the right of where sudowoodo was (violet city side)
Once you Remove the Odd Tree (Sudowoodo) from the area near goldenrod, some fat guy will give you rock smash.
From Goldenrod mart but first from a fat guy after yo beat sudowoodo
which game? silver, gold, crystal, you get it from a man standing northeast of Goldenrod city past the Sudowoodo.
in silver you get of a bloke arfter beating or catching sudowoodo his the first man u see if u walk right from where u got sudowoodo in silver you get of a bloke arfter beating or catching sudowoodo his the first man u see if u walk right from where u got sudowoodo
Once you battle/catch Sudowoodo, it should disappear. After that happens go to the right of the path where Sudowoodo was and talk to the fat man (I believe his shirt is red). Talk to him and he should give you rock smash. . umm....... excuse me... i believe his shirt is blue
Relax do you remember where sudowoodo is or where that tree is that is blocking erecutek city? Go there and use the squirtbottle on it and it attacks you its sudowoodo catch it then go east and talk to the fat dude he gives you rock smash, now it can be purchased at the goldenrod dept store as well.
Rock smash is not an HM but TM 08, so use it wisely. After beating or catching Sudowoodo on route 36, go to the right and talk to the fat guy in blue. He will give you rock smash for clearing the route. You have to wait near the Cherrygrove city and on a certain day this guy will be there and give you it. The road where the Sudowoodo is.