I can find the stupid answer to this stupid darn question. There is no way in the world you can find this answer this stupid answer.
You can't find Vibrava on Pokémon Platinum
To find a shiny stone in platinum you have to dig in the underground tunnel.
It's impossible to find Mewtwo in Platinum.
any Pokemon could have a serious nature especially if you try breeding them until one with a serious nature shows up.
The TM43 can be found at the Amity Square in Pokemon Platinum.
Nature will be displayed in the Pokemon Stats, you cannot find out before you catch it.
Platinum exist in the nature as pure platinum, in alloys or as compounds (sulfides, arsenides).
Platinum usually exists uncombined in nature or alloyed with iridium.
Yes. Platinum is a naturally occurring element, with atomic number 78.
Platinum exist in the nature as pure platinum, in alloys or as compounds (sulfides, arsenides).
Platinum exist in the nature as pure platinum, in alloys or as compounds (sulfides, arsenides).
Yes, platinum is found in nature usually in the form of ore deposits along with other precious metals. These deposits are primarily located in South Africa, Russia, and North America. Platinum is also commonly found in some meteorites.
Ash is not in platinum..
You cannot find Lugia in Pokémon Platinum.
You can't find Vibrava on Pokémon Platinum
Platinum is an elemental, metallic mineral.
no you can't find a torchic egg in Pokemon platinum