Ive researched a lot of sites and searched everywhere but im about 90% sure that you cant and that's the end of the game granted you can try and fill the pokedex and fight the elite four and alder or fight Cynthia and all the other crap but anyway's.....BUT there.....is........HOPE!! they are planning on creating.......POKEMON GREY! it is supposed to be about where n and ghetisis went. the main legendairy is going to be the first three type if i remember it is the three opposites grass, water, and fire unfortuneatly it will be the last Pokemon game for ds but it will be full 3D thank you i hope this helped sorry for any grammer props i had to fast type.
After you have Looker arrest the last sage out of the Seven Sages, He should thank you and he should also tell about a boy who sounds exactly like N, who has been seen with a dragon pokemon somewhere far away... ^_^
looker only comes when you beat the game and he gives you a Super Rod and you meet him when you find the seven sages.
He says he is going to a distant place to look for a legendary pokemon, but he doesn't give you anything.
i have been on several official cites looking for this including Pokemon wiki and serebii they list how to find the seven sages but not ghetesis so i think you cant sorry
He pops up out of no where and tells you news about N then leaves.
You don't.
you go to nuvema town to your house and talk to looker
Continue your journey :]
After you have Looker arrest the last sage out of the Seven Sages, He should thank you and he should also tell about a boy who sounds exactly like N, who has been seen with a dragon pokemon somewhere far away... ^_^
Yo mammas house
Looker goes away after you find the Seven Sages.
looker only comes when you beat the game and he gives you a Super Rod and you meet him when you find the seven sages.
Looker says good work and there's been a sighting of an N-ish person in a nearby city that he's gonna check out
You have to find the seven sages well 6 as looker arrests one when u catch reshirim or zekrom
I think he disappears and you don't see him anymore
Once you have found the Seven Sages the looker will tell you that he saw N but he let him go. You can not find N in the actual game play.
He says he is going to a distant place to look for a legendary pokemon, but he doesn't give you anything.