You find kricketot on routes 201,202,203,204,205 and 207(morning/night)
these are some places to see kricketot in Pokemon platinum:Eterna forest,route 205,route 203,route 204.
breed an electabuzz if you want an elekid in Pokemon platinum
You can't find Vibrava on Pokémon Platinum
where can i find the second gym in Pokemon platinum
starter Pokemon
i dont know but you can catch one in the forest
Kricketot evolves at lv10
these are some places to see kricketot in Pokemon platinum:Eterna forest,route 205,route 203,route 204.
1 place is trophy garden where rare Pokemon are aswell
It evolves at level 10 or 13! Pretty easy eh?
Kricketot is a Bug type pokemon.
Kricketot is #401 in the national pokedex, and it is a Bug type Pokemon.
Kricketot appears in Steam Cave, and you can recruit one from there.
buy the Pokemon platinum book
The 151st Pokemon is Mew and is unobtainable in Pokemon Platinum.
no you can't find a torchic egg in Pokemon platinum