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Celestic town shrine

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Q: Where do you find hm swim in Pokemon diamond?
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Where can you find Hm swim in Pokemon diamond?

Read the inscription at the back of the Celestic Town Ruins, the Village Elder will join you and give you the Surf HM.

Where to get dig the hm in Pokemon Diamond on Pokemon Diamond?

well, dig isn't a HM in Pokemon diamond, but it is an TM. anyway, you can find it on route 214, inside a cave where you'll find the ruin maniac- the same place where you find hippopotas.

Where do you find HM 8 on Pokemon diamond?

HM 8 can be obtained in Sunnyshore City.

Where can you find dive on Pokemon Diamond version?

There is no HM called dive in Pokemon Diamond you fat oaf.

How do you get hm dive on Pokemon Diamond?

The HM dive cannot be acquired in Pokemon diamond.

Where to find hm 8 for Pokemon diamond?

It is in the snow on route 217.

How do you get rocklimb in Pokemon diamond and pearl?

Find the HM on Route 217

How do you swim in Pokemon Diamond ds?

You have to get a pokemon that can learn the hm surf and u go up to water and press A, then it will say surf, press A and swim! to get off just go to land or fly.

Where to find HM flash in pokemon diamond?

you get the HM Flash after beating the electric gym leader, if i recall correctly

How do you swim in Pokemon Diamond?

YOU can't swim but your Pokemon can. There is a Hm called surf. I'm not sure where you get it but you teach it to a water Pokemon and when you get near water push a and it will say,"The water is a a deep blue color... would you like to use surf?" And that's how you use and how your Pokemon can swim!

Where do you find the HM rock climb in Pokemon diamond?

I think you get it from a gym leader

Where do you findthe HM strength in Pokemon diamond?

go to this one place and you find it