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you start at the top left, you go to the right, you go diagnal to the down left, then you go to the right, then you go diagnal to the top left.

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Q: How do draw the phantom hourglass?
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What is the sacred ceast on The Legend of Zelda Phantom Hourglass?

The hourglass...draw it

How do you you get past the red door in phantom hourglass?

you have to draw an hourglass in a single stroke

What is the sign that you have to draw on the door in Z elda phantom hourglass?

make an hourglass or triforce.

How do you freeze time in the legend of Zelda phantom hourglass?

you get the little ball thing tap on the hourglass and draw a hourglass

What shape do you draw on the door in the Ocean Temple in The Legend of Zelda The Phantom Hourglass?

the hourglass itself

In Zelda the phantom hourglass how come you cant seem to be able to draw the hourglass sign when versing bellum?

cause when you need it draw a symbol like this --------- \ / \ / \/ /\ / \ -------

How do you find the crest in Zelda phantom hourglass?

which crest if you mean the triforce or hourglass, you have to draw it on the door, if you mean the sacred crest, it is past the first red door, the one you draw the hourglass

Zelda phantom hourglass you cant draw the hourglass to stop time?

you can only stop time in a battle with bellum

How do you draw glass?

If by "glass" you mean the hourglass from Phantom Hourglass, you can't draw an actual hourglass, you need to draw an Arabic numeral eight. (like this: 8) If you draw the figure with one circle on top of a smaller circle, it won't work.

In the ledgend of Zelda phantom hourglass what is the second cress to draw on the door?

its a trifource

How do you get thorugh floor b7 in phantom hourglass?

u have to draw the symbol of Zelda

The second scared crest says I'm drawing it wrong HELP Zelda Phantom hourglass?

Draw a hourglass on the red door