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raises your shield's power, if you have one.

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Q: Phantom hourglass what does the blue fairy do?
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What is a stone head in phantom hourglass?

the stone heads on phantom hourglass have a blue laser that comes out of their foreheads

In Zelda Phantom Hourglass how do you get the last fairy?

you will have to beat the sun temple.(temple of courage)

When is phantom hourglass?

phantom hourglass is released in 2007.

What is the difference between the fairies in Zelda phantom hourglass?

Each fairy has its own powers that can be unlocked when you get 10 of that fairy's colored force gems (is that what they are called? i forget, but they are blue, green, and red, and are found or bought all around the game). The Power(red) fairy has a fire sword ability, the Wisdom(blue) fairy has a shield ability, and the Courage(yellow) fairy has a sword-beam ability.

How do you uncover the location of the fairy of courage on phantom hourglass?

its on the island of gust in the temple of wind after u defeat the boss

Where is wind waker located in Zelda phantom hourglass?

There is no windwaker. The windwaker is in the windwaker, the phantom hourglass is the key item in phantom hourglass

What leaf in phantom hourglass?

Leaf is a spirit of power in phantom hourglass

Where can you get a drill for the boat in Zelda phantom hourglass phantom hourglass?

You Cant.

What is the name of links fairy on the Legend of Zelda?

Ciela is the fairy who finds you at the start of Phantom Hourglass. The other fairies in this game are called Leaf (red) and Neri (blue). Navi is the fairy that guides you in Ocarina of Time. Tatl is the name of the fairy that guides you in Majora's Mask, and her little brother (Tael) is with Skull Kid for the duration of the game.

What is the ending of Phantom Hourglass?

diffent cans. love is at the end of phantom hourglass.

What are all the Zelda phantom hourglass enemies?

go to and click on " Phantom Hourglass"

Zelda pH how to get ten fairys?

you cannot get ten faries in Zelda phantom hourglass. you CAN get ten gems to power up your fairy though.