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Route 24 at night (5%)

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Q: Where do you find gloom in Pokemon Crystal?
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What pokemon knows sweet scent in pokemon crystal?

Oddish or Gloom.

How do you get vileplume in Pokemon Crystal?

I believe you use a leaf stone on gloom as for how to get one i have no idea.

How do you get gloom in Pokemon pearl?

You can find Gloom in the patch of grass by the resort area.

Where do you find gloom in Pokemon LeafGreen?

catch an oddish and train it until it evolves into a gloom

What Pokemon evolves from the sun stone in crystal?

Namely 2 Pokemons sunkern---->sunflora gloom---->bellossom

How do you find gloom in Pokemon Blue?

evolve from bellsprout

Where can you find dark pulse in Pokemon crystal?

In Pokemon Crystal.

Where do you find bolosom on Pokemon Sapphire?

you just need a gloom and a sunstone use the sunstone on your gloom and walla you have a bellosom

What type is the Pokemon Gloom?

Gloom is a Grass-Poison type Pokemon.

Where do you find professor Oak in Pokemon Crystal?

What the hell is a Pokemon crystal

How do you find Gloom in Pokemon SoulSilver?

Gloom is found in the following places:Route 5,Route 47,Route 48Safari Zone

Where do you find a Bellossom in Pokemon HeartGold?

Catch a Gloom, then give it a Sunstone.