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u go to Castelia City and go in 1 of the alleys. he'll just pop out of nowhere then he'll give u TM Flash

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Q: Where do you find flash in Pokemon white?
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Where do you find defog on Pokemon White?

It's called Flash, and you get it by a guy in a backstreet in Castelia City.

Which Pokemon can learn flash in Pokemon White?

blitzle... i think

Where do you find the move strength and flash in Pokemon white version?

for flash a man gives you it in an alley in castelia city. for strength you go to the nimbasa Pokemon center and go to the building right above it to the left

How do you see in caves in Pokemon White?

use flash

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Yes. You find zekrom in Pokemon white and the white Pokemon in Pokemon black.

Where do you get the hm flash in Pokemon Black and White?

1. Flash is a TM 2. You can find TM Flash in Castelia city 3rd gap from the right go near the dumpster and a guy with sunglasses will appear he will give it to you.

Where do you find flash on Pokemon white?

In Castelia City. Second alley from the left, there will be a man talk to you after you pass up the dumpsters and give it to you.

Why does the map flash red on some Pokemon in Pokemon Pearl?

The place where it flashes is where you can find the Pokemon It would flash blue if it was found in the water

Where do you find Flash in Pokemon Diamond?

Do the same thing in Pokemon peaRL

Where do you find the move flash in Pokemon black?

You buy the Flash TM from Nimbassa City.

What Pokemon can learn the move flash?

Non. Flash is a HTM that you gotta find in the game!

What Pokemon can learn flash in sapphire?

Find an Abra to give flash in the cave in dewford.