The place where it flashes is where you can find the Pokemon
It would flash blue if it was found in the water
same as diamond/pearl
The red dot is just where you were you walked/flew to last
When you deliver the parcel to your friend, he finds two maps in it and gives one to you.
the pokeetch company is in jubisife city to the left of the lottery place
You can find it on any route. Just use the poketch app marking map!
There is a map in the Pokemon Diamond/Pearl Guide Book.
The two in pearl are Cresselia and Mesprit.
NO THERE is no second map in diamond and pearl.(that includes platnium).
in the house like map
Go to the place it is on the map
in the Pokemon league. Yes, it is but you have to go through a cave to get to it. Look on your map.
Once you chase Pokemon of lake you see where they are
PalPark, near bottom left in your map.
Theres a map on google just search it
same as diamond/pearl
Go and beat the bosses and there is a green town in the bottom of the map there is where all your Pokemon are
its on your poketech whatever thihngy map