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A red Gyarados, or into simpler words, a shiny Gyarados, has red skin instead of blue skin. You cannot really find a red Gyarados in Fire Red, but what you can find is a shiny Magikarp. I suggest this:

1) Make sure you have an Old Rod.

2) Go/Fly to Vermilion City (the place where the S.S. Anne left).

3) Register your Old Rod, and start fishing for Magikarp.

*A Shiny Magikarp will be a gold-ish color, so make sure you look closely before running from the battle. If you happen to run into run, but then flee, well... good luck finding it again.*

4) When you get the Shiny Magikarp, train it until it evolves into a Gyarados, at Level 20 I think. The Pokemon will still be shiny, so it will be a shiny Gyarados/Red Gyarados.

5) Have fun with your Red Gyarados.

WARNING: This procedure seems to be easy, but it is not. The hardest thing is being very patient. Shiny Pokemon do not come commonly (no pun intended). When I got home from school, I started fishing for a Shiny Magikarp, and now I STILL do not have one. It may take you weeks, months, or even a year to catch a Shiny Pokemon/Magikarp. It all depends on luck.

But if you REALLY want one, you can just hack, which isn't recommended. I heard it messes up your game. Anyways... Good luck on catching and evolving your Shiny Magikarp!

Hope this helped!

I don't think there is a red Gyarados in Pokemone Fire Red. I'm having trouble finding a regular one too. I think there's a regular one in Cerulean Cave where you capture Mewtwo. Actually, I also have a red Gyarados on my Pokemon Fire Red Version game. Mine is level 51 and quite strong. I've never even heard of a gold gyarados! its in mystery dungeon the thing you call cerulean cave in the beginning.

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Q: Where do you find a red Gyarados in Pokemon FireRed?
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technically, yes but it is not a red gyarados it is a shiny one and it is random, you can hunt it but the chances of a shiny are 1/8192 so...... good luck

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A red gyarados is a shiny gyarados (however, the Pokemon Company did not call them shiny untill the Unova Region). You can find it wherever you can find a normal gyarados, but your chances to find it are very slim.

Can you get a Red Gyrados in Pokemon FireRed?

yes but like all shiny Pokemon you have to search for it. you have about a 1/6500 chance of a magikarp or gyarados you find being butif you were asking if you can find one like you did in the metal games no you can't

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In Pokemon Silver you can find red gyarados in LAKE OF RAGE. You need to go up route 43 from Mahogany Citie = =

Where do you find red Gyarados in Pokemon LeafGreen?

... you cant that was just in the show

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No, Gyarados and red Gyarados are basically the same having only one key difference; red Gyarados is a "shiny" Pokemon which changes its color and makes it rare to find in normal gameplay.

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It is Actually A Shiny Gyarados so it would be in a place with lots of em

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there is no red gyarados. its just a shiny Pokemon and its red. not a huge thing