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No, Gyarados and red Gyarados are basically the same having only one key difference; red Gyarados is a "shiny" Pokemon which changes its color and makes it rare to find in normal gameplay.

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Red Gyarados has higher base stats/ attributes than almost any Blue Gyarados so it is actually stronger. Same level but bigger attack defense special etc. Some blue Gyarados are stronger than other blue Gyarados too. All pokemon are like that.

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Is it true that two pairs are better than having three of a kind in a game of poker?

Yes, in a game of poker, having two pairs is generally considered a stronger hand than having three of a kind.

Who is stronger Vegeta or Gohan?

Vegeta is actually Stronger, Its true that Gohan hit Super Saiyan 2 before anyone but that doesn't mean he is stronger than vegeta. Vegeta hit Super Saiyan 2 after the Cell games but he achieved it before becoming Majin Vegeta, During which he said to Goku "At least your stronger than your son was against Cell." which means Goku was stronger than Gohan and that means Vegeta was just as powerful also it is stated in the Dragon Ball Z series that Vegeta was the most powerful, second only to Goku. As for Gohan hitting Super Saiyan 4, he cannot. But Vegeta can't transform into a Super Saiyan 4 at will. So his transformations are actually up to Super Saiyan 2. But as for Gohan, the Elder Kai releases his deepest hidden powers, which make Gohan even stronger than a Super Saiyan 3. So actually Gohan is the stronger one.

Where do you find a red Gyarados in emerald?

First level a magikarp at level 40 don't let it evolve at level 20.When your magikarp is level 40 use a sunstone it will evolve into a RED GYARADOS. THIS IS A HOAX!! DO NOT WASTE YOUR TIME.Are you sure because i tried to level up my magikarp from level 35 to 40 without evolving it. then i tried to use a sun stone on magikarp but the stone didn't work on magikarp. you must be lying.of course he is lying if you could use a sunstone on magikarp then they would have done it on the show basically i think this is true you go to sootopollis and keep fishing till you find a gold magikarp and then you can continue from that evolves into red gyarados i think i got it from someone who told me im still looking anyway hoped it helped.

Is Arceus stronger than mew?

This is just an opinion, just not in the video games. In the video games, Arceus can beat Mew in a second. Arceus is able to learn every move that Mew can, but Mew cant learn Judgement. In general, Yes, Arceus is better than Mew, he actually CREATED Mew!!! I think... lol not 100% true. mew created arceuse yes it can use judgment but it has a stronger move than that it is called peace it can destroy the world in a blink of an eyr and you are not 100% true if any questions my email is

Can Arceus be shiny?

Yes, there were many events giving them away. The parts of a normal Arceus that are white turn yellow in the shiny form. This is true no matter what plate it holds.

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