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I have Pokemon soul silver and this works for me so it should work in heart gold. Since a light ball is rare ( they are held by picachu's but there is only 5% chance) , so there is another way. If you haven't beaten the elite four and you can't go to mount silver, don't bother to try to do what I'm about to tell you, just keep catching picachus. but if you can go in mount silver keep reading. Ok then take a high level Pokemon that knows thief. Make sure it has no items on it. Put it as your first Pokemon. Then go to mount silver, and go to the top and battle Red. when his picachu comes use thief on him. You will take his light ball. Then win or lose and there you go! a light balll ! you can repeat this as many times.

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Q: Where do you find a light ball in Pokemon heartgold?
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Catch a pikachu holding a light ball, or use thief on the pikachu's in the Veridian Forest. When you put a pokemon with static in front you will find the pikachu's more easily

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By downloading the yellow forest WiFi gift that is out right now, walking around for about five to ten thousand steps (depending on the type of Pokemon you brought along), then using the dowsing machine to find items in the grass, which might be a light ball.

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i love u

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After you beat Lance, go back to professor Elm and talk to him. Then, he'll give you the master ball! (You can go to

Where can you find a light ball in Pokemon Soul Silver?

when tou battle red on his pikachu has a light ball you have to use theft to get it.

Where do you find a light ball in Pokemon diamond?

you find the light ball when a wild Pikachu is holding it. you only have 5% chance of finding one. the best place to find it is in the Pokemon mansion. i use a mr. mime that knows the move trick to swap a pecha berry with a light ball from a pikachu there

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secret potion. you can find it at the olivine city in that medicine shop.

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in azelea town you can go to kurts house and it well take him a day to make one

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