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By downloading the yellow forest WiFi gift that is out right now, walking around for about five to ten thousand steps (depending on the type of Pokemon you brought along), then using the dowsing machine to find items in the grass, which might be a light ball.

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Q: How do you get light ball in heartgold?
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Were two find the light ball in Pokemon pearl or platinum or heartgold?

you can get it by getting a pichichu in pearl trade it to heartgold

Where is master ball in heartgold?

in the light get it once you beat the rcoket grunt.

Where can you buy a light ball on Pokemon heartgold?

u have Kurt make it (in azalea)

Can you get a light ball Pokemon HeartGold besides catching a pikachu from the pokewalker or from Red?

You can trade a Pokemon holding the light ball from a game like ruby.

How can you get a light ball in Pokemon HeartGold?

you have to get over 7000 steps on your pokewalker in the yellow forest route

What do you have to do to get to get a light ball in Pokemon heartgold and soulsilver?

Catch a pikachu holding a light ball, or use thief on the pikachu's in the Veridian Forest. When you put a pokemon with static in front you will find the pikachu's more easily

Where do you find a light ball in heartgold?

in azelea town you can go to kurts house and it well take him a day to make one

How do you get a light ball in Pokemon HeartGold?

catch a bunch of pikachus and there will be a five percent chance that one will have a light ball. (pikachus are only found in viridian forest which is in kanto) I got a much easier way to get a Light Ball without cheating! When you battle Red atop Mt. Silver, his Pikachu is holding a Light Ball so use Theif and it is yours!

What ball do you place at the shrine in Pokemon HeartGold?

The gs ball.

Where do you get the GS ball in HeartGold?

you can't

How do you get gs ball in Pokemon HeartGold?

you dont

Can you get a gs ball in Pokemon HeartGold?

You can't.