outside of the power plant in Kanto after you have goten all 16 gym badges.
you can find zapdos in the power plant.
If Moltres,Zapdos or articuno runs away you need to use action replay to get them back
depends on how weak he is and how lucky you are
Zapdos is right outside the Power Plant in Kanto. The Power Plant is near Cerulean City. Zapdos only appears with you have all 16 badges from both regions.
You have to have all 16 badges and then you go to the Power Plant in Route 10. then zapdos will be right out the door you would like to save and then interact with it ;D
level 50
you have to look in places where a legendary might live (example: Zapdos=power plant)
you have to have all 16 badges after that zapdos will be right outside the power plant
outside the powerplant after you beat the machine parts
you can find zapdos in the power plant.
Zapdos=Power plant Moltres=Mt.Silver Articuno=Seafoam islands
I don't know when but after a while the power plant
You need to earn 16 badges first. You find Moltres in the Mt Silver Cave. You find Zapdos on Route 10 outside the Power Plant. You find Articuno in the Seafoam islands. They are all level 50 and you talk to their sprites to battle them.
If Moltres,Zapdos or articuno runs away you need to use action replay to get them back
no,but zapdos is after you beat all kanto gym leaders.
Zapdos is positioned right next to the Kanto Power Plant after you earn all sixteen Gym Badges.
to catch zapdos you need to beat red and at the iron works zapdose will be out side. articuno is at seafome island.