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If Moltres,Zapdos or articuno runs away you need to use action replay to get them back

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Q: What happens if Zapdos runs on soul silver?
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What level is Zapdos on Pokemon soul silver?

level 50

How do you catch Zapdos in Pokemon soul silver?

you have to have all 16 badges after that zapdos will be right outside the power plant

Where is Zapdos in soul silver?

outside the powerplant after you beat the machine parts

Where do you catch Zapdos Articuno and moltres in soul silver?

Zapdos=Power plant Moltres=Mt.Silver Articuno=Seafoam islands

When does Zapdos appear in soul silver?

I don't know when but after a while the power plant

Is Pikachu at the powerplant in soul silver?

no,but zapdos is after you beat all kanto gym leaders.

Where is Zapdos in Pokemon Soul Silver?

Zapdos is positioned right next to the Kanto Power Plant after you earn all sixteen Gym Badges.

Where is Articuno and Zapdos on soul silver?

to catch zapdos you need to beat red and at the iron works zapdose will be out side. articuno is at seafome island.

Will Articuno Zapdos and Moltres be on Pokemon soul silver and Pokemon heart gold too?


How do you catch zaptos in Pokemon soul silver?

Zapdos is located outside of the Power Plant in Kanto.

Where can you get Zapdos in soul silver?

you have to have completed the power plant mission and he will be outside the power plant on the left

Can you catch Zapdos after the first time in soul silver?

yes if you fail it will take a bit but it will return