All 4th generation Pokemon cannot be caught in any earlier generation game so Starly is one of them so that means firered can't get it.
You cant find it in Firered only leafgreen.
Celebi cannot be found in Pokemon FireRed. The only way to get Celebi in Pokemon FireRed is receiving it from an event distribution. These events are sadly no longer supported for Pokemon FireRed.
Yanma can't be found in Pokemon FireRed or Pokemon LeafGreen; it is strictly a fourth generation Pokemon.
You can find TM Dragon Claw on Victory Road in Pokemon FireRed (Kanto).
The only way to obtain Magmar in Pokemon FireRed is to trade it from LeafGreen.
staravia isn't a kanto region Pokemon it's a sinnoh region Pokemon therefore you can't get a starly, staravia, or a staraptor in leaf green or fire red
bidoof and starly!!
in map 6,7,8,9,10,11,12
You have to evolve a starly
Starly which you can find on your first battle. you can find starly around that Area. but they are hard to find because of bidoofs
Starly is a Normal and Flying type pokemon.
Yes. The pokemon you battle with your starter when you "save" Prof. Rowan is a Starly, and you can find other Starly and Shinx and Bidoof on the route above your hometown.
You cant find it in Firered only leafgreen.
Staryu is a water type Pokemon. In Pokemon FireRed, it is possible to find lots of Staryus in the Seafoam Islands.
You cannot find Piloswine in the wild on Pokemon FireRed. You can find it's pre-evolved form Swinub in Icefall Cave on Floe Island in the Sevii Islands of Pokemon FireRed.
Celebi cannot be found in Pokemon FireRed. The only way to get Celebi in Pokemon FireRed is receiving it from an event distribution. These events are sadly no longer supported for Pokemon FireRed.