The only way to obtain Magmar in Pokemon FireRed is to trade it from LeafGreen.
None magmar is only obtainible in leafgreen and Pokemon xd gale of darkness.
no one has one.
i don,t think you can but if thare is improve my answer
Magmar is a Pokemon exclusive to leafgreen so no you can't get it.
No only leafgreen can get magmar.
You can't get magmar in firered only leafgreen can get magmar also there's a shadow magmar in Pokemon xd gale of darkness.
Well you can't find magby you have to breed it with magmar.
Magmar can only be caught in Pokemon LeafGreen, therefore, you have to trade.
bellspout victeereybell and magmar
it is magmar
None magmar is only obtainible in leafgreen and Pokemon xd gale of darkness.
Magmar and Pinsir.
no one has one.