You find latias by first going to the TV at your house in littleroot town after you've beaten the elite four. The TV will say there was reports of something flying in the sky, and your mom will ask you what color it was. ( Say red for latias, blue for latios). Next, buy some max repels, put a level 30 Pokemon at the front of your party, put apokemon with sweet scent in your party, and go to a very grassy area. If you use a max repel and sweet scent, you should be able to get you lati! (Note: you must have a master ball to catch lati.)
If you wish to find a Latias or Latios you have to migrate them from one of the three GBA saphire, Emerald, or Ruby.
You can find Latias and latios anywhere in Hoenn. You just have to get lucky.
Latiasyou cant find latias in Pokemon ruby you can only find it in sapphire. in Pokemon ruby you get latios no, you get latias in ruby and latios in sapphire because of the colour, Latias is red means ruby,latios is blue so means sapphire. your right above me but you got it mixed up. No its latias in sapphire and latios in ruby trust me i took forever trying to catch latias in sapphire and i finally did.
You can't get Latios in HeartGold. You can get Latias, to get her, talk to the copycat in Saffron and find her lost doll in Vermillion city at the fan club and Steven will be out there when you come out. He will talk about Latias for a minute and Latias will be in Kanto just walking around like Raikou.
There is no secret or hidden trick to finding Latias or Latios. Well you can use a Action Replay or a Game Shark but I'm talking about not cheating. You find him randomly. I was playing Saphire trying to Find the Regi Pokemon while I was surfing, and i got into a wild Pokemon battle with Latias without even trying to find him. So the best way to find him is to not try to find him.
Your Home
You can find Latias in Soulsilver throughout the Kanto region.
You can find Latias and latios anywhere in Hoenn. You just have to get lucky.
Latias is not available in SoulSilver
You can find latias on every route in hoenn.
trade it
In Pokémon HeartGold, Latias can be found roaming around the Kanto region after obtaining the National Pokédex and receiving the Enigma Stone from Steven in Pewter City. Latias will randomly appear in various locations around Kanto, so players will need to be patient and persistent in their search. Using Max Repel to keep lower-level wild Pokémon away can help increase the chances of encountering Latias.
You can find Latias while you're roaming Kanto in Heart Gold, and in Soul Silver you can get a Latias in Pewter City while you have the Enigma Stone.
Latiasyou cant find latias in Pokemon ruby you can only find it in sapphire. in Pokemon ruby you get latios no, you get latias in ruby and latios in sapphire because of the colour, Latias is red means ruby,latios is blue so means sapphire. your right above me but you got it mixed up. No its latias in sapphire and latios in ruby trust me i took forever trying to catch latias in sapphire and i finally did.
You must find AR codes for latios/latias are not wild in Diamond. I do not have an AR code for latios/latias. Sorry.
you can find him everywere after beating the chamion leag
all over on sapphire