You can find Latias and latios anywhere in Hoenn. You just have to get lucky.
Your Home
That's not possible latias and latios are caught in ruby, sapphire or emerald you must trade them to firered to get them.
once you beat the champion when your mom ask you the color red or blue pick red then keep going through grass and find it
Your Home
I'm shore you can
I found him over in that area thats raining.
You can only get latias in sapphire get latios from ruby or emerald.
there is no specific place to find latias but after you battle the elite four latias or latios can appear randomly and you can keep track of its area through the pokedex
No, you can only get Latias in Sapphire and Emerald and Latios in Ruby and Emerald.
after beating league champion in woods and water.
you cant. You can only catch it in Pokemon emerald, but, you cant catch latias in emerald.
you need to run into it in the wild on a hunch.
Ruby cannot capture latias only sapphire and emerald can.