You can't get Latios in HeartGold. You can get Latias, to get her, talk to the copycat in Saffron and find her lost doll in Vermillion city at the fan club and Steven will be out there when you come out. He will talk about Latias for a minute and Latias will be in Kanto just walking around like Raikou.
In the pewter city museum. to get his attantion you must bring walking latias ( heartgold) or latios ( soulsilver ) with a soul dew from a mystery gift. then he will take you to saffron city. he will talk to you for a while. then he will go back to pewter then show you latios ( heartgold ) or latias ( soulsilver ) outside of the museum. then after you defeat or catch one of eon Pokemon that's the last of him.
after that, someone at the battle frontier will tell you about latias and latios. then, latias will start roaming kanto.
The cool legendaries you can get in Soulsilver/heartgold are the following: Lugia, Ho-oh, Raikou, Entei, Suicune, Articuno, Moltres, Zapdos, Mewtwo, Latias, Latios (Latios in Soulsilver & Latias in Heartgold), Kyogre, Groudon, Rayquaza (Kyogre in Heartgold, Groudon in Soulsilver & Rayquaza if you have both).
Once you ask the Copycat in Saffron City to get her Clefairy Doll back Talk to the man inside The Pokemon Fan Club.Then he will give you the Clefairy Doll go outside.Then Steven Stone will talk to you he will say that Latias(HeartGold)or Latios(SoulSilver).Finally Latias or Latios will roam Johto or Kanto.But sorry,you can't get Latios without Cheating,Hacking or Trading. :(
the movie latios and latias come out on is in Pokemon heros the 5th movie
Yes, Mewtwo, Latios and Latias will be in HeartGold and SoulSilver.
In the pewter city museum. to get his attantion you must bring walking latias ( heartgold) or latios ( soulsilver ) with a soul dew from a mystery gift. then he will take you to saffron city. he will talk to you for a while. then he will go back to pewter then show you latios ( heartgold ) or latias ( soulsilver ) outside of the museum. then after you defeat or catch one of eon Pokemon that's the last of him.
after that, someone at the battle frontier will tell you about latias and latios. then, latias will start roaming kanto.
The cool legendaries you can get in Soulsilver/heartgold are the following: Lugia, Ho-oh, Raikou, Entei, Suicune, Articuno, Moltres, Zapdos, Mewtwo, Latias, Latios (Latios in Soulsilver & Latias in Heartgold), Kyogre, Groudon, Rayquaza (Kyogre in Heartgold, Groudon in Soulsilver & Rayquaza if you have both).
You can get Lugia in both games!! In HG you can get Kyogre, Latias. In SS you can get Groudon, Latios. You can get both Latios and Latias in both games if you have enigma stone, AR, or Gameshark!
Latias is the main Pokemon in Heart Gold. Latios is the main Pokemon in Soul Silver. The only way to get the other Pokemon is to have the Enigma Stone. The distribution event is over so you have to ask a friend if they have it to give to you.
HeartGold-Latias SoulSilver-Latios After speaking to the people in the fan club in Vermillion City, Steven is stading outside the fanclub. Speak with him and he tells you that a Hoenn legendary is now roaming in Kanto.
you can't, but you can catch latios in ss and latias in hg hg(Heartgold) ss(Soulsilver)
Once you ask the Copycat in Saffron City to get her Clefairy Doll back Talk to the man inside The Pokemon Fan Club.Then he will give you the Clefairy Doll go outside.Then Steven Stone will talk to you he will say that Latias(HeartGold)or Latios(SoulSilver).Finally Latias or Latios will roam Johto or Kanto.But sorry,you can't get Latios without Cheating,Hacking or Trading. :(
the movie latios and latias come out on is in Pokemon heros the 5th movie
No, there is no 2nd movie that features Latias and Latios.
No, neither Latias nor Latios are breedable.