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after that, someone at the battle frontier will tell you about latias and latios. then, latias will start roaming kanto.

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Q: What to do after you catch Suicune raikou entei in Pokemon heartgold?
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Where can you catch raikou in HeartGold?

after you catch a glimpse of entei, raikou, and suicune at the burned tower in ecruteak city, you can track entei and raikou using your map.

What are the legends you can catch in Pokemon HeartGold?

Ho-Oh Lugia Suicune Articuno Zapdos Moltres Mewtwo Kyogre Raikou Entei Latias

Can you catch Suicune in Pokemon HeartGold?


Can you catch a Zoroark in Pokemon white?

yes, if you have entei raikou or suicune.

Who do you who is the master ball for in Pokemon LeafGreen?

to catch suicune,mewtwo,raikou and entei

Where do you catch Suicune in Pokemon Heartgold version?

Where you find Misty.

Where is raikou in Pokemon Black?

You cannot catch Raikou in Pokemon Black. You have to transfer it from Diamond, Pearl, Platinum, Heartgold, or Soulsilver.

How do you catch Zoroark in Pokemon black?

you can either evolve zoura that you got from trading the event celebi, or trade over entei, suicune, or raikou from Pokemon heartgold/soulsilver. you cant capture zourark in the wild

Where to catch Raikou in Pokemon HeartGold?

he roams the map after you beat the game

What legends can you catch in pokemon soulsilver?

ho-oh, lugia, suicune, entei, raikou

How do you catch Raikou in diamond and pearl?

You cannot catch Raikou in Pokemon Diamond and Pearl. To get Raikou in Pokemon Diamond and Pearl, you must trade for one from Pokemon HeartGold and SoulSilver where it can be caught or transferring from Pokemon FireRed and LeafGreen.

How do you catch Suicune Entei and Raikou in Pokemon Platinum Someone else said that Professor Oak will say that he has seen sights of them?

Its not Suicune,Entei,and Raikou its Moltres,Zapdos,and Aritcuno.