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Thundurus could be anywhere roaming Unova. To find out where, either read the screen inside the city gates or search every route until you see a heavy rainstorm

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Q: Where do you catch thundorus in Pokemon white?
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What is the legendary trio in Pokemon Black?

Landorus, Tornadus, Thundorus. Or Cobalion, Virizion, Terrakion. Tornadus is only available in Pokemon Black and Thundorus is only available in Pokemon White. You have to trade Thundorus (Tornadus) to Pokemon Black (White) To get Landorus. You have to get Cobalion before you can get Virizion and Terrakion.

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Black only: Reshiram, Tornadus White Only: Zekrom, Thundorus

How do you get Thundorus in Pokemon Black?

Since you have Pokemon Black, you cannot catch it in the wild, you can only do that on White. So what you have to do is either trade normally with a friend or you can go onto the Global Trade System which is in the Pokemon center and you speak to the nurse uptairs to the far right. You then type in Thundurus and you have to have a Pokemon that they want.

How do you get thundorus in Pokemon Black version?

look frist its its tornadus u get in black and seconed thundorus is one white's legendarys. if u really want get thudorus in black u trade with a freind that has white ;) thanks 4 raeding my answer bye bye

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Thundorus has to be traded in from white whereas tornadus can be caught as soon as you reach route 10 in black

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You can not catch Braviary. You have to catch Rufflet in Pokemon White and evolve it.

Is it possible to catch darkria in Pokemon White?

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What legendary pokemon can you catch in Pokemon Black but not white?

In Pokemon black you catch RESHIRAM and TORNADUS In Pokemon white you catch ZEKROM and THUNDERUS Sources : myself

Can you catch Rufflet in Pokemon Black?

No, it is exclusive to Pokemon White. Where you would catch Rufflet in White, you catch Vullaby in Black.