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a red gyrodose is actually a shiny gyrdose u r welcome a red gyrodose is actually a shiny gyrdose u r welcome

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Q: Where do you catch red gardos in Pokemon FireRed?
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Where do you catch red gardos in FireRed?

a red gyrodose is actually a shiny gyrdose u r welcome a red gyrodose is actually a shiny gyrdose u r welcome

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you cant he is not on fire red.

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You cnnot catch it in Pokemon fire red ,but you can catch it in Pokemon Diamond and Pearl.If you want it to be in your fire red,you will have to migrate it from your Diamond/pearl to your fire red.

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There is no dark ball in Pokemon fire red

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You can not catch Sandshrew in Pokemon Firered. It is Leafgreen exclusive. Firered gets Ekans instead.

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you can't catch groundon in Pokemon fire red! you may be able to trade it from Pokemon ruby though.

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You can't in fire red but you can in emerald and Pokemon colosseum and Pokemon xd gale of darkness.

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Rayquaza isn't in Fire Red/Leaf Green.

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You need to trade seviper to firered from sapphire.

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You can't catch a Magmar on Fire red but you can catch Electabuzz. Leaf green can catch Magmar but not Electabuzz

What is a diplome Pokemon FireRed?

A diploma is something professor oak gives you when u catch all the Pokemon in fire red