You can not catch Sandshrew in Pokemon FireRed. It is Leafgreen exclusive. Firered gets Ekans instead.
Sandshrew evolves at level 22 in both fire red and leaf green. But in order to get sandshrew on fire red version, you have to trade it
No there is not.
you can not find him not 1 persent
Fire Red is better, the name is better, the available Pokemon that were unavailable in leaf green are great. eg. ekans and arbok. I like fire red more because of the immediate Pokemon in it and its item availability. Most people like it more, simply because of the name. But fire red is crap and leaf green rules! However some people think leaf green is better because of the available Pokemon such as sandshrew, Sandslash, bellsprout, weepinbel, victreebel ect.
You can't find a Vulpix in Pokemon FireRed version. That pokemon is version-exclusive to Pokemon LeafGreen.
You cannot find Sandshrew in Pokemon Red. Sandshrew appears as an exclusive Pokemon in Pokemon Blue but can be traded to Pokemon Red. In Pokemon Blue Sandshrew appears on Routes 4, 8, 9, 10, 11, and 23.
You can´t find sandshrew in Fire Red, you have to trade from another versions, like leaf green. However, in Leaf Green you can find it West of Lt. Surge's town.
Sandshrew is one of exclusive pokemon to Leafgreen version. Therefore you must trade one from Leafgreen to Firered to have one.The reason Sandshrew cannot be caught in Fire Red is because it is not available in Fire Red. The only way to get it is to trade it with Leaf Green.
you cant get sandshrew in fire red you can only send it from leaf green viva wireless adapter
Well go wher u go 2 buy a sandshrew then ask the owner for 1 on fire red watcha think?
Sandshrew evolves at level 22 in both fire red and leaf green. But in order to get sandshrew on fire red version, you have to trade it
trade with Pokemon blue
Magmar, Slowpoke, Slowbro, Sandshrew, Sandslash, Vulpix, Marill, Bellsprout, Weepinbell, Staryu, Pinsir, & Misdreavus.
You can't find it in Pokemon fire red
You can't. You have to trade it across from LeafGreen.I think Sandshrew is only in LeafGreen.
well you to get for Pokemon fire red.
you actually cant find him in ruby but you can find him in fire red i think because ive never played Pokemon fire red