You can't catch Mespirit if you killed it, it will mysteriously disappear in the game.
It's the same thing as if you defeat a Legendary Pokemon, you won't have another chance to catch it.
by searching in the grass
Well you would think on Dialga but no, you should use it on Mespirit because when you try to catch Mespirit it keeps running away from you so you mite as well get it on your first try.
Yes, it does it causes cresselia and mespirit to not run away for a few turns.
Dialga, Giratina, Heatran, Mespirit, Uxie, Azelf, Regigigas, Rotom, Cresselia,
After you defeat/catch Dialga(Palkia)go to any of the 3 lakes (Snowpoint, Twinleaf or place with hotels) use surf, travel into middle, one is Mespirit (runs off, Rowan comes) another is Uxie (intelligent so really hard to catch) and Azelf (what i think as the easiest one to catch)also, when and if you find cresselia, it'll run off like mespirit.
Sorry, but no.
Here is a walkthrough on how to catch Mespirit: Do exactly what he tells you to do!
Verity lakefront
in the lake by your house at the begging of the game
go to acuicity lake
by searching in the grass
catch them from there lakes then mespirit will run away so maybe use a materball
weaken mespirit a bit and use dusk and quick balls you might be able to use heal balls on it
Emmurrito is a Pokemon that is also known as Mespirit. To catch it, you have to find it roaming around.
after seeing it in the lake cave you have to chase it down and catch it
After you've released Uxie, Mespirit and Azelf from Team Galatic HQ, go to Verity Lake. Surf across to the cave. Inside you'll see Mespirit. Talk to it. After it runs away, it will be roaming the Sinnoh.
use hypnosis after taking its hp down