You haven't made it far then. You can catch old pokemon. Yes, you can catch Riolu in the challenger's cave after you beat the elite 4. He's rare though.
You Cannot catch lucario on pokemon black the only Way is to trade him or catch a riolu.
You can catch Riolu in Challangers cave. You can't enter challangers cave till you have beaten the eliet four at least once.
You can't catch it in Black, but you can catch it in White. In the White Forest.
yes u can get riolu in Pokemon heart gold and soul silver you catch him or her in the safari zone and you can catch lucario in the safari zone two.
you have to get in Pokemon white
Yes it is possible.
You Cannot catch lucario on pokemon black the only Way is to trade him or catch a riolu.
Anywhere that you can catch Riolu. Shiny Pokemon can appear anywhere and anytime; with a 1/8192 chance of one appearing.
I think that the season is any season, and you catch him in the Challenger's Cave on Route 9. Also, Riolu is a Pokemon that evolves by friendliness so give the soothe bell and level him up and DON'T LOSE!! That makes a Pokemon less friendly.
You can catch Riolu in Challangers cave. You can't enter challangers cave till you have beaten the eliet four at least once.
Catch a Riolu and evolve Riolu.
No, it is exclusive to Pokemon White. Where you would catch Rufflet in White, you catch Vullaby in Black.
In Pokemon black you catch RESHIRAM and TORNADUS In Pokemon white you catch ZEKROM and THUNDERUS Sources : myself
You can't catch it in Black, but you can catch it in White. In the White Forest.
You can not catch Braviary. You have to catch Rufflet in Pokemon White and evolve it.
snivy riolu growlithe tranpinch ducklet evee
It is exclusive to Pokemon White, you can't catch it in Pokemon Black. You would need to trade with someone who has white.