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If depends on what crossbow you are wanting to buy. . .

The Dorgeshuun c'bow can be bought from Nardok in the Dorgeshuun Mines Nardok's Bone Weapons shop after completing the The Lost Tribe quest.

The Hunters' Crossbow can be bought from Leon, who is located in the hunting shop in Yanille.

The Chaotic Crossbow costs 200,000 tokens and requiring 80 Ranged and Dungeoneering to wield, the crossbow fires bolts up to rune.

Lowe's Archery Emporium is the shop in Varrock to buy the weakest crossbow that is available to free players.

The rest of the unmentioned crossbows are made by smithing or obtained through a quest/monster drop.

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Q: Where do you buy an crossbow on RuneScape?
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No, there is no way of obtaining any sort of Golden Crossbow, as there are none existing in Runescape, currently.

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100gp-600gp i think

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Nothing different, they just have access to a crossbow names Phoenix Crossbow, same stats as Bronze Crossbow.

How do you make a rune crossbow on runescape?

To make a rune crossbow you need 69 fletching. Use a knife on some yew logs to make a yew stock. Then use rune crossbow limbs (you can buy them or make them if you have 91 smithing) on the yew stock. You'll then get a Runite c'bow (u). Then use crossbow string (you can make it by using sinew on a spinning wheel if you have 10 crafting or just buy it) on the Runite c'bow (u) and you'll get a rune crossbow.

What quest on runescape do you have to do to get zaniks crossbow?

The quest is called "The Chosen Commander".

Which is better a crossbow a repeater crossbow or a gyrojet gun?

Well first of all repeater would be best and second their is no gyrojet in runescape.

Who invented the Steal Crossbow?

Well that would be Jagex the people who made runescape.

On RuneScape What arrow do you use for a crossbow?

Crossbows can only fire bolts, not regular arrows.