rune crossbow is a good crossbow. and dark bow is the best longbow.
obviously combat, because of strength!
The magic shortbow was, and is, better than the magic composite bow.Especially now that longbows have become shieldbows and composite bows didn't retain their half and half status of being between the long/short for speed/range.
Your attack stats don't but look at you Magic bonus on attack, that does.
Runescape was originally called deviousmud, which was made by Andrew Gower and Paul Gower, this was quickly changed to runescape. Scape means land and rune is a old stone that was believed to have magic powers. Runes are used in the magic skill for casting spells, and plays a major role in the MMORPG.
String is a very general term and can refer to bow string, crossbow string, and/or magic string. Bow strings are used in RuneScape to make bows or crossbows in RuneScape with the appropriate Fletching skill and magic string is used in RuneScape to create Nature Amulets with the Crafting skill with the appropriate level required.
rune crossbow is a good crossbow. and dark bow is the best longbow.
obviously combat, because of strength!
There is no "magic mage" on RuneScape. There are various ways to train magic, and there are various mages, or wizards.
The magic shortbow was, and is, better than the magic composite bow.Especially now that longbows have become shieldbows and composite bows didn't retain their half and half status of being between the long/short for speed/range.
Magic bonuses.
It gives good magic stat boosts.
There is no magic planks in runescape. Only plank, oak plank, teak plank and mahogany plank.
Magic lamps are awarded from Random Event boxes.
I would have to say ranged.(Actually It depends on you) It goes in a cycle range,combat and magic. Range beats magic. Magic beats combat. And combat beats range. so it's just about what you are fighting. hope this helped. God of torag
Um cast spells.